Holiday Inn Downtown Rochester, NY
Holiday Inn Downtown Rochester, NY

Holiday Inn Downtown Rochester, NY
Holiday Inn Downtown Rochester, NY

Holiday Inn Sweetheart Table Lighting
Monogram behind sweetheart table with up lighting. Sound Express, Rochester, NY.

Holiday Inn Dance Floor and Lighting
Wedding dance floor with DJ, facade, truss, intelligent lights, and up lighting. Sound Express, Rochester, NY.

Holiday Inn Ceremony Lighting
Wedding ceremony setup with up lighting and monogram. Sound Express, Rochester, NY.

Holiday Inn Dance Floor with Monogram
A large monogram on the Holiday Inn dance floor. Head table in the background with up lighting behind. Sound Express, Rochester NY.

Holiday Inn Downtown
Holiday Inn Downtown
Holiday Inn Downtown
Holiday Inn Downtown
Holiday Inn Downtown Rochester, NY
Holiday Inn Downtown Rochester, NY
Holiday Inn Downtown Rochester, NY
Holiday Inn Downtown Rochester, NY
Holiday Inn Downtown Rochester, NY
Holiday Inn Downtown Rochester, NY
Holiday Inn Downtown Rochester, NY
Holiday Inn Downtown Rochester, NY